Do you love your family, friends, children, pets, etc. more than anything else in the world? What about your spouse, lover, boyfriend/girlfriend? Do most people love the above items more than themselves, or should the situation be reversed in certain circumstances? Can you distribute your love equally and fairly to various things without proper love of self? Of course not, but how do you know if you love you enough? When is it obvious that you are not loving you enough? What are the warning signs and are they easy to notice?
Your relationships with others shine the initial spotlight on self love. How you treat, think about, talk to, etc. your lover, family, or friends lets you know how much you truly love each of them which is a reciprocal of your self love. Relationships with others make it easy to notice self love, but only a portion of the picture is revealed here. The other part requires more effort since you must ask the same questions about outside relationships to yourself.
1) How do you treat you?
2)What do you think about yourself?
3) How well do you trust you?
4) How do you talk to you?
You can ask yourself these questions along with any others you feel will help uncover how deep your love is for you. Once you discover how much, work to increase it daily because you along with the many people you encounter in life will benefit.
"You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and being who you are, your simple presence can make others happy." -unknown